Coaching is a service
business, so what products could a coaching business possibly
have? Well, let’s discuss that.
The coaching products I offer fall into three categories:
- (1) Assessments,
- (2) Work Product, and
- (3) Gifting.
Assessment is the term generally used to describe an instrument
a trained analyst might use to determine how a prospective employee
might interact with his/her prospective supervisor. The results
of such an assessment might cause the prospect to be hired, not
hired, or cause more information to be required. A different instrument
might be useful for a leader to understand why two of his/her
direct reports can’t seem to get along. Assessments are
based on data collected from hundreds of thousands of prior respondents,
and correlations are made between the current respondent and the
responses of those prior respondents with amazing accuracy. I
offer individualized assessments or I can train an in-house employee
in the administration of such instruments if the volume warrants
such training. Please contact
me regarding assessments.
Work Product
Work product is the permission given to corporations to use training
courses I’ve designed and given as requested. As I have
coached executives in any number of settings, I have observed
behaviors and specifically processes which were detrimental to
the emotional health of the employees and frequently put the company
at risk of litigation. In raising the risks of such behaviors,
I’ve been asked to design and administer courses, and implement
policies to correct questionable company procedures. Those courses
are my work product, and as such, there is a fee for the use of
those course materials. Please contact
me regarding custom courses and materials.
Gifting is the acquisition of my services for the benefit of a
third party. This is generally the purchase of a number of coaching
sessions, or the purchase of my services for a period of time
by a parent for a child. Most often the “child” is
an adult, but cannot be reached by the parent. We all know that,
as parents, we know nothing until the child reaches the age of
30, at a minimum. I have been engaged, and shall engage in the
future, to so provide coaching, but only after I meet with the
prospective client. This is the fundamental principal upon which
coaching rests: the coach can do nothing. Action, and thereby
growth, can only be taken by the client, if the client is willing
and motivated to move forward. If I determine that the prospective
client is not coachable, I tell the purchaser of my services and
accept no money. Please contact
me regarding the gifting of coaching or other services.