The professional coaching of leaders in business is a relatively new industry. Active over just the past 20 years, and having received recognition as a profession for just the last 10, professional business coaching and professional business coaches are just coming into their own. During the early years, our titles evoked images of sports and sports’ activities. Even today, many think a coach deals with personal or emotional development. And candidly, most coaches are “life” or “personal” coaches. However, there are a few of us who choose to partner with business people in the growth and development of their companies and employees. These coaches generally rely on many years of corporate and/or entrepreneurial experience as a backdrop against which we examine the real-life dilemmas of our clients.

Every business is unique and every business is the same. Issues which confront a business leader are generally not new. The issue is only new to that leader. And although the issues which confront a business person are varied and wide in nature and impact, the partnering which occurs with a seasoned business coach, allows the creative thinking by the client which often provides the answers to that client’s questions. Typical issues may consist of obtaining clarity of vision, and then the articulation of strategies, tactics, and operations which support that vision. Other leaders may concern themselves with a direct-report communication break, development of leadership skills, or taking their company to the next level.

If, in the reading of what a professional business coach does, you discover that creating a relationship with a professional business coach might make a real difference in your company and in your life, please read further about the ways in which you might be supported by such a relationship. If you find you would like to learn more about how working with a professional business coach might improve, grow, and/or augment your particular company, please call me at (951)789-2788 or request a complimentary coaching session here.

Areas of Coaching

  • Corporate
    Many executives have come to appreciate the value added by an executive coach, and see alignment with a trusted advisor/coach as just another tool to which intelligent executives afford themselves. Find out more here.

  • Individual
    Within the individual coaching relationship there is a bond and a trust established that allows us to move from point A to a desired point B through the coaching process. Find out more here.

  • Non-Profits
    Coaching a non-profit is an entirely different experience than coaching in any other business arena. It is different and more complex simply because of the number of people involved in the process. Find out more here.

  • Groups/Classes
    Groups of individuals within similar businesses are coached because the participants gain knowledge from both thie peers and the coach. Classes of 5-10 people are coached on specified subjects for specified periods of time. Find out more here.

  • Training
    Training sessions are customized and delivered to selected members of a business or organization when this type of focused and targeted attention is required. Find out more here.

  • Coaching Skills
    Coaches, and business coaches in particular, have earned our title. We, usually, bring years of business savvy and knowledge to the table and have taken the time, money, and effort to school ourselves in the science and art of how to coach. Find out more here.

  • Assessments
    Assessments are used as predictors of behavior and predictors of success or likely failure in specific jobs with highly defined bundles of tasks. Corporations rely on such indicators. Find out more here.

  • Business Plan Guidance
    A business plan is to assure the business owner that their thinking is clear, and that their business venture makes sense. And then that the plan can to be used to demonstrate viability and secure outside capital to fund expansion plans. Find out more here.

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  It is in the process of exploring your issues where true growth occurs. You are invited to request a complimentary coaching session. here. >  

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