What are events, and how do they differ from convention or conference
speaking? Events are venues at which you may be asked to speak
wherein you are providing a service to an organization or community.
Examples are: service club organizations such as Rotary, Optimists,
Chambers of Commerce, or others. Communities are not geographical
in nature, but rather are formed by disciplines or common interests.
Some examples are Legal Nurses of Orange County, Civil Engineers
of the Inland Empire, Business Forum of California State University
at San Bernardino.
These are unpaid “gigs.” Why and when would you do
this? The why is simple. You say “Yes” whenever humanly
possible, because you don’t know who these people know,
and in what other organizations they may have membership. The
when is more complex. You say “Yes” when you are new
to the speaking business, and when you have the window in your
calendar to deliver the requested speech. As you grow and progress
in your business, there will be a time when you will no longer
have the time to speak in a gratuitous situation. However, until
that time say, “Yes.”
All situations are unique, and therefore fees are discussed on
an individual basis.
If you would like to discuss your future, and speaking at conferences
contact me here for more
information about individual coaching or request a complimentary
coaching session here.