As meeting planners prepare a conference or convention, they work to support, enhance and augment a meeting theme. Each speaker choice is a vote of confidence to that speaker loudly stating, “I have confidence in you, and I know you won’t let me down.” Their choice is also a risk. It is a risk because they work for a company or association, and that company or association has correspondingly said, “I have confidence in you, Mr. or Ms. Meeting Planner, and I know you won’t let me down.”

If you are a meeting planner, and reading this, please be assured that I will never let my meeting planner or my audience down. There are a myriad of meeting planners. There are a myriad of speakers. I know that you meeting planners usually have a meeting theme for any particular conference. We speakers also have a signature speech. As a speaker, I can’t be all things to all meeting planners. That approach won’t work. Instead, I have cultivated a signature speech by which I am known. That does not mean I only deliver one speech. It means I may deliver many speeches, but each speech is consistently addresses one theme, and there is one speech, in particular, which defines that theme well. For example, my signature speech is that leaders must delineate and promote the company vision. They must live and breathe that vision, and continually educate workers at every level to deliver the company vision in all activities in which they represent the company. How many of you reading this text can think back to a previous company and recite the company vision…I wager precious few. But who can recite the Nike vision? Coca Cola? Porsche?

It’s all about the audience, and having that audience impacted three days after the speech delivery in a positive manner. It’s about the audience participants’ conversation in the elevator that next Monday morning raving about the conference and your speech, while the meeting planner’s boss quietly, but smugly listens. It’s about being impactful in the manner the meeting planner desires, and it’s about the teamwork required to deliver.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of my delivering a custom speech at your conference, convention, or program contact me here.

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